Speakers! Tips that will save you time when working with a VA

Imagine working with a Virtual Assistant who:

  • Advocates for you
  • Saves you valuable time
  • Gets you the results you need
  • Helps you book speaking gigs

And that means getting you in front of potential clients without you having to do the heavy lifting of sending inquiries, filling out applications and following up.

Wouldn’t that be amazing!?

I often recommend to the business owners in my Simply Get Booked program to hire a VA that will make the process of booking speaking gigs easier for them.

But training a VA can be time-consuming and what’s more, you might not see the results you want.

So how can you make sure the work your VA does gets you the results you want?

Here are 5 tips from Laura Licursi, owner and founder of Elite Virtual Assistants, to help you get the most out of your VA.

  1. Share your vision and expectations

Your VA needs to know what moves you. They need to know the real reason(s) you want to speak in front of audiences and what your vision is as a person and as a business owner.

That way, as they reach out to groups on your behalf, they can deliver that message for you. Having a VA that’s an advocate for you and your business makes all the difference.

They also need to know what results you’re expecting to see from their efforts. Without this, there’s a high chance you’ll experience frustration when they don’t get the results you want (remember they are not mind readers!).

The discussion about expectations and results should happen early-on as it will pave the way for successful communications between you and your VA.

  1. Set your goals with timelines attached (this goes hand in hand with your expectations).

And how essential is it for your VA to know what these goals and expectations are?

Let’s say you want to book a certain number of speaking gigs per month. As finding and applying for speaking opportunities is not a one-to-one ratio, it means your VA will need to send a much larger number of inquiries to get the number of gigs booked you want. 

Share these types of numbers with your VA. Also establish in what timeframe those inquiries should be sent.

But always remember to set realistic goals for both you and your VA.

  1. Set up regular check-ins

A good manager won’t just check-in at the deadline to see if the work has been done. If you want to be an effective manager, you have to check-in regularly.

Based on your goals, you can set up weekly or monthly check-ins to ask your VA:

  • Are there any bottlenecks?
  • Do you need help with anything?
  • Where are we at right now?

And depending on the progress, you might need to adjust your goals or the process you have to reach those goals.

When you’re just starting out with a new VA, it’s even better if you can meet with them at least twice a week.

The more time you put in at the beginning, the less time you’ll have to put over the long-run.

When you take the time to build a relationship with your VA instead of just giving them tasks, you’ll see a massive shift in the results you get.

  1. Keep detailed track of their activity

Once you have your goals and you’re checking in on your VA…

What do you do with that information?

You need to be able to adjust the process along the way. That means identifying patterns. It also means evaluating if you’re reaching out to the right groups for speaking and the only way to do that is to look at the details.

How many groups have been contacted?

What kind of groups are they?

What responses have you been getting?

When you can see all this info in one place and discuss it with your VA, course correcting becomes almost automatic. It all starts with making sure they are set up with a proper tracking system.

It’s not about analyzing a mountain of information. It’s about keeping your finger on the pulse and making it easy for your VA to inform you of any roadblocks and possible changes that can be made.

  1. Have your information ready and available

Again, it’s all about investing more time at first so you can save time in the future.

Imagine missing out on an opportunity because your VA doesn’t know your new talk description. Or because they emailed you to get essential info and it took you a long time to reply.

Have all the info they might need in one easy-to-access spot, like a Google Drive folder. Examples of things you’ll need are your speaking topics, headshots, ideal client description and all the other basic information needed to fill out applications.

They should know where to find all this within the first few days of working with you.

Save ‘future you’ some valuable time and give them as many resources as possible from the beginning. But don’t just bury them in a mountain of resources. Take some time to explain that info to them. Remember it’s much easier for a person to advocate for you when they understand you and your point of view.

Laura shared these amazing tips on one of our calls with our clients and VA’s in the Simply Get Booked program. This kind of educational meeting is one of the many benefits of participating in SGB.

If you’re ready to start booking speaking gigs consistently, book a call today to discuss the Simply Get Booked program and how to join.

Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.