Lessons from ICF’s International Coaching Week 2024

Enjoy the top three lessons I learned from ICF’s International Coaching Week, and then… please share your own!

Fun Fact: this video is a great example of lesson #3, because I got it right in the first take! (coaches are SO easy to talk to!)

Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.

Reader Interactions


  1. Amy Kessler says

    That was the most authentic version of you I believe I’ve ever seen! Loved your takeaways, especially #3! I love working with and representing credentialed coaches too!

  2. Rory Bakke says

    Mary, I loved your sharing from the ICF Week. I wasn’t able to attend any of it even though I am an ICF certified coach. Listening to your 5 minute video had me feeling like I had been there for a little while. I Love your ideas from the conference AND you have greatly encouraged me to participate next year and to be more creative and bold in my own coaching practice. Thank you Mary!

    • Mary Cravets says

      Ooohhh you’re saying some of my favorite words… encouraged and bold. So glad I’m a good influence. Definitely participate next year! I’ll try to remember to get all the events highlighted for everyone next year.

  3. Penny van den Berg says

    I really enjoyed your video, Mary. I found myself smiling along with you as you were speaking about your experiences during Int’l Coaching Week. The word that came up for me as I was watching and listening to you speak was synergy.

    • Mary Cravets says

      Oh YES… synergy gets a bad rap as “corporate-speak,” but I agree and think it’s time to reclaim it!

  4. Wencke Meteling says

    Just watched your video while being in Germany – thank you for being your wonderful self and capturing your insights from Int’l Coaching Week! I literally could feel how you felt when presenting in front of your ideal clients, and it seems like a great way for me to check if I am in the right place (with the right audience) or not, and if I can be my authentic, imperfect self and feel good or not.
    Thank you, Mary!

    • Mary Cravets says

      You are welcome, Wencke!! I love how you are taking this and applying it as a “temperature check” for your own ideal client alignment!