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That’s a Little Better…

One of my favorite books is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. It is a fabulous book about how small actions taken consistently over time lead to big results. I’ve seen the results in my own life of how true this is! And I recently came up with a simple way to add consistent improvement, as well as consistent action,...
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New Year’s Resolution

I’m reading a book I recommend highly, The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. This book poses the idea that you must manage your energy – not time – in four key areas (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). Less than 50 pages in, I read a story that made me stop short. The story described a...
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Guest Blog: Are You Ever Stressed?

Thank you to Cindy Caldwell who contributed today's excellent blog! Did you think "Duh!" when reading the title of this article? Of course, we all encounter stress. And in the business world, for many it has become more pronounced than ever before. Today I want to provide you with an alternative and a new perspective. A young lady confidently walked...
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Determine, Engage, Ignore

So last week, I talked about that feeling of having One Foot On the Gas, and One On the Brake, and I promised this week to include some ideas on how to survive that gear-grinding feeling. It boils down to this: focus on the things you have control over. And the things you have control over are your ACTIVITIES, not...
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Scenario #1: You’re at a business networking event, and are approached by an enthusiastic woman. She says to you, “You really need to try my vitamins. You’ll feel healthy, more energetic, and get more done every day. When would you like to set up an appointment to meet?” Scenario #2: You’re at a business networking event, and are approached by...
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What’s the big deal about little wins?

This week I was chatting with a friend, and I asked him how his business was faring. He said that he’s very excited, because he's going to hit his goal of making six figures this year. I, of course, enthusiastically congratulated him. He then mentioned that when he shared the same news with our business coach, she suggested that he...
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Banging Your Head Against the Wall

We all know the analogy of banging your head against the wall, and how good it feels when you stop, right? In that same vein, over the past several years, I noticed that right before I experience a great big a-ha moment, I had days, weeks, or even months of head-banging frustration. Wanting to get things to move and change...
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Pondering My Sanity

I had to make some tough decisions recently about my Speed Networking Event. I was a stress case – literally going through crying jags and paralyzing fear for weeks. Flash forward to today, when I’m calmly rolling out the new guidelines for event coordinators and event fees, and the unbidden thought ran through my head, “This is so simple and...
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Don’t Slow Down Before the Finish Line!

Something strange just happened. I got up early, ignored my email and got right to work on my very full to-do list. I had a good idea of which tasks I could accomplish before my 9am appointment. After an hour or so, I was well on my way to completing my whole list before the nice o'clock deadline. Then I...
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Want to Network Better? Listen in Neutral.

I was talking to my father on my recent trip to Reno, and he was reflecting upon some lessons he learned in the workplace (back before he retired). He mentioned that at one point in his career, he attended a teambuilding training, and experienced immediate success by implementing some of the lessons he learned. I asked him what the best...
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Drift Happens

I have this insatiable need to feel like I'm making progress. If I can't check things off my list, or see evidence that my business is moving forward in some way, I start to feel antsy. The other day I was working, and nothing seemed to be going my way. I kept pushing and pushing, craving that outward proof of...
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One Time Management Tip

Create and prioritize your to-do list the night before. Doesn’t seem like a big deal, does it? So why does this make a difference? Overnight, your mind works out creative solutions to your tasks while you sleep. You wake up calmer and clearer, with a sense of purpose for your day from the moment you wake up. The majority of...
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