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Don’t Get Hungry

A while ago, I bought a pair of dress pants in a size larger than the rest of my clothes. Just needed some breathing room around the beltline, if you know what I mean. Two months later, I noticed I had outgrown those pants, along with every other pair I owned. As much as I wanted to think it was...
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Succeeding Through the Slacking

Four years ago I hired a coach and she had me complete an extensive questionnaire before we started working together. I recently found the questionnaire and want to share a question and my answer because it has been a cornerstone of my business to this day. Question: How do you want your future website to portray you and your business?...
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Lesson From a Jumbled Drawer

Mid-morning after writing an article, making inquiries about speaking engagements, listening to a marketing training, and returning my email, I decided to have a little fun. I’ve been experimenting with ways to get my hair up and off my neck in a low-maintenance summer ‘do, and thought it was high time to put in a little more hands-on research. Working...
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Where Fact and Fiction Meet

Funny how sometimes goofing off leads to an “aha” moment. Case in point… Today, my article was planned around giving away a book that has had a huge impact on my life: The Accidental Millionaire by Stephanie Frank. It beautifully combines her very personal story with rock solid business advice. Then this morning, before getting to work, I (not without...
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Happy Independence Day!

Speak up and be independent! Business first: for those of you who asked how I’ve booked so many speaking opportunities, I scheduled a tell-all teleclass – “Speaking Gigs: Find them, Book them, Make them Pay!” If there is one thing I know about entrepreneurs, it’s that we LOVE our independence. Let’s celebrate our independence with gratitude for the opportunities this...
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Free yourself from the biggest time-sucker

The other day, I found myself stressed to the max because my email inbox kept piling up. I was checking it all the time, and fearing the overwhelming build-up of messages. Then I stopped myself, because I realized the urgency was entirely in my head. In order to reality check the situation, I asked myself five questions. I’ve shared the...
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Cruddy and Buggy

Living in Northern AZ and driving to the Phoenix metro area on a consistent basis makes me very reluctant to clean my car. You see, it’s dusty here and then it will sprinkle a little, turning that dust to a caked on layer of crud. And don’t get me started on the bugs you encounter on the two-hour drive to...
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It’s Not JUST About the Mercedes

I was in my favorite thinking place (the shower) today, musing about goal-setting. I hear a lot of positive-thinking teachers preach, “Just create the perfect vision of your goal, and the “how” will take care of itself.” Well… not exactly. My delightful imagination helped along this line of thinking by providing me with scenarios of two people achieving the same...
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Pop for World Peace

This video made me cry and feel hopeful. To see a corporation do something so powerful, so good, so unifying – it left me speechless. My questions are: Is transformational marketing limited to big corporations with big budgets, or can small businesses with small budgets do it also? And how?
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Lesson From A Bike Ride

Just went for a bike ride and it was AWESOME. I biked up a big hill, barely making it to the top. I enjoyed the view and, while biking down the hill, took my time so I wouldn’t feel as though I was at risk of breaking my neck. I rode by a huge nursery I’d never noticed before, and...
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Align Your Dollars

I have a really simple tip for the week. It’s such a little thing that I almost decided not to share it. But I’m noticing that it is precisely these little things –  the tiny habits & fears – that get overlooked, and they keep us stuck. During the Clarity Sessions I do for prospective clients, I always ask about...
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But Everyone’s Doing It

Many years ago, I met a real estate agent at a training seminar. As we chatted, it became clear that she was really stuck. Being a naturally curious gal, I started asking her questions about her marketing. She told me that her primary marketing efforts focused on advertising, and she was spending $1,200 per month on it. I then asked...
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