I stared at my feet and sighed. I was at the gym, feeling virtuous for squeezing in a workout and then, THIS happens.
I forgot white socks (horrors!), and now I had a choice to make.
Option 1: Work out and keep my commitment to myself to exercise each day, but look a bit dorky wearing the black socks only meant to be worn bumming around the house or discreetly hidden under boots.
Option 2: Sigh and go home. Outwardly disappointed about missing my workout, but inwardly doing a little happy dance for having come up with a great little excuse to not get sweaty.
I looked down at my feet and burst out laughing in the middle of the ladies’ locker room, because business owners face this kind of thing nearly every day.
Now pay attention to this next part because you’re going to be able to use this for yourself over and over again…
Looking at each option in turn I asked myself, “Is this worth it?”
Do I go out there and to do that I know is good for me: put in the time and effort, get uncomfortable, put myself out there and be willing to look foolish?
Do I let a silly little excuse derail my commitment?
I can proudly share with you that I chose option number one. To my utter amazement, no one laughed and pointed at my socks.
Author’s Note
The intended moral of the story here is pretty obvious: don’t let little excuses derail your important commitments.
However, when relating this to my hubby and business partner Adam, he introduced another dimension when he asked, “What exactly is wrong with black socks? Where is it written that you have to wear white socks?”
Thanks to Adam, we have a secondary moral: notice the assumptions you’re making and challenge them!
I’m so glad you chose Option 1 and that you have Adam in your life. He was thinking the exact same way I was!
Me too! Glad you found a shared perspective here!
I love this–we’re always looking for a good excuse to avoid discomfort so the discomfort of black socks became your excuse. I also love your husband’s observation that the excuse was predicated on an ungrounded assessment. I always work out in black socks because they launder better and my gym shoes are black with colored accents. Thanks for a good musing–now, what am I avoiding right now as I type this….hmm….
Thanks for this… you have an incredible way of reflecting back the concepts I stumble upon. Now go get focused, lady!
Well, it’s all relative. Should you ever visit Germany, leave your white socks at home. Unless you want to be identified as an American tourist.
Oh my gosh… the perspectives just keep rolling in! Thanks, Elke!!
I wouldn’t have thought anything about the black socks either. I always wear black workout pants so black socks kind of blend in better. AND – having lived in Europe, I can attest to Elke’s comment. Nothing screams “AMERICAN” more than white socks! Great reminder that A) what we’re thinking isn’t what other people are necessarily thinking and B) it’s so easy to let a little thing become an excuse for not doing the big thing.
I just got rid of all my white socks and bought bright colors and black that don’t get dirty so quickly – LOL! I do find all kinds of excuses, though, for not focusing on what matters most right now. Thanks for the great reminder, Mary!
Oh, Sheryl… good thing you got rid of your white socks. You never get Sedona red dirt out of white socks!
This is great Mary! I especially like it that you called out the assumptions issue. I am finding that mindset is a real issue for all of us in so many ways. Thanks! Mary
I LOVE assumptions! When I make them work for me, that is. I assume the universe is plotting to do me good. I assume people are kind. I assume my intentions will be trusted.
Try it – it’s dazzling!
Congrats, Mary! Great content here on your blog, you have a nice writing style, and certainly wonderful that you’re striking out on your own. Best wishes!!