Change Just One Word to Enroll People Faster

If you’ve done any messaging work with me at all, you are going to LOVE this tip. One simple word change that gets people on board to work with you even faster!

Dayana CQ

Reader Interactions


  1. Camille McKinney says

    I love that! Here’s my first crack at it:

    “I’m hired by OVERWORKED, HYPER-ACHIEVING women leaders who want to stop proving their value to be successful. TOGETHER, we create goals and strategies so she can DO LESS and BE MORE of the authentic leader others want to follow.”

  2. Russell Doi says

    I love that word “together”. It gives me a feeling of cooperation with my client and that I am on the other person’s side to help reach a solution that is best for them . I will incorporate that in my messaging.

    Thank you!