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Two Sleepless Nights Crashed My 2023 Plan

Over the holidays, I made my 2023 plans and they were instantly put to the test after two nights of insomnia. Here's what I'm doing to fix it.
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Why I Burned All My Appreciation Letters.

I have a jar where I keep notes of appreciation from clients, colleagues, and organizations. At the end of 2022, it was so full that I couldn’t fit one more in. I was clinging to them. Hoarding appreciation. With no room to let more in. And while I logically understand that gratitude is infinite and a crammed jar of notes...
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Smoking at McDonald’s (a holiday story)

It’s a little beat up, but this is my favorite Christmas tree ornament. I love this for so many reasons. And my reasons have changed over the years. As a child, I loved it because of how fancy I felt in that Winnie-the-Pooh dress. As a teenager… ah, who am I kidding, all I cared about was eyeliner and boys...
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16 Reasons to Hire Your Cat (and 1 reason NOT to)

Prefer reels? Go to @simplygetclients to see this on Instagram! 1. They give you a dirty look when you start to waste time scrolling through social media. 2. They will keep your fingers warm. 3. They make your inbox more interesting! 4. They retrieve office supplies. 5. They give you great pics for posting! 6. They keep your laptop warm...
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A Moment to Connect

Here's a quick casual intro to me and how I work. Oh! And I also reveal the answer to the burning question, "Is Mary a dog person or a cat person?"
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More Clients, Less Social Media

In the hundreds of presentations I’ve done, the subject of social media ALWAYS comes up. And the #1 comment that people make about it? “I spend way too much time on social media, but I’m not getting any clients from of it.” Tied for the #2 most frequent comment is, “but everyone says you have to do it” and, “I...
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Elevate 2023: Evaluate the Numbers for Better Lead Generation

Lead generation… WOW. If you want to get me woohooing all over the place, just give me an hour to talk about maximizing your lead generation efforts. Since I realize not everyone gets jazzed about numbers and lead gen, I’ll keep it simple. Because – love it or hate it – you have to do lead generation. You just don’t...
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Elevate 2023: Wellbeing Reset and Recommit

As a part of the elevating process, I reflected on when I was at my best, most optimistic, most creative. For me, it was when I kept sugar intake to a minimum, exercised 4-5 times per week, meditated 10 minutes a day, and had a morning and evening gratitude practice. That’s it. So the elevating move today is to simply...
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Elevate 2023: Schedule Your Personal Life FIRST

When I first committed to putting my personal life on my calendar first, I remember the questions that popped into my head: What if something comes up? How do I know when to go on vacation if I don’t know what my clients need? What if I get it wrong? So much of this came from years of working a...
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Elevate 2023: Declutter Time!

While trying to focus on elevating my business, my attention keeps getting snagged by visual distractions. Stuff on my desk, on my computer desktop, on my ipad…so, I decided to do some decluttering. When thinking about decluttering, my first instinct is to do EVERYTHING. My closets, my jewelry making supplies, the garage, the closet under the stairs. Hello? Self-sabotage much?...
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Elevate Your Ideal Clients and Messaging

Elevating your ideal clients and messaging actually means elevating your clarity about both. This clarity sets the foundation needed to attract high-quality clients without a lot of wasted time and effort. In the video below, I walk you through EXACTLY the method I used in my own business to get clearer about my ideal client and messaging so I can...
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Elevate 2023: Let Go of the Baggage

I attended a phenomenal business retreat given by Lisa Crilley-Mallis, and I had a single, concrete objective: develop my proactive lead generation plan for 2023. But for a day and a half, I was completely frustrated. The numbers wouldn’t gel. And when I finally did figure them out, they didn’t really align with my goals, as I shared in the...
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