When You’re Freaked Out, What’s Your “Bird”?

I looked out my sliding door the other day and saw my cat slowly scuttling towards me. He was outside, something had clearly freaked him out and he was low to the ground, slinking towards me to dash inside as soon as I opened the door.

As I started to get up to open the door, he caught sight of a bird and instantly became a blur of movement and enthusiasm. (birds are his favorite thing!)

All the fear, gone in an instant.

What is that thing in your life? Your “bird” that frees you from your fear, sparks your joy and unleashes your boldness in the world?

Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.

Reader Interactions


  1. Susan Hengel says

    What is that thing in your life? Your “bird” that frees you from your fear, sparks your joy and unleashes your boldness in the world? What a wonderful question Mary!

    I realize for me it’s when I can make a difference for an individual, a team, or a cohort in a leadership development program through coaching and facilitation – and truly believe that I contributed to their growth and development. I, like many people, often question my ability to make a difference. Sometimes you just have to believe, because oftentimes, you may not see the evidence personally. I’m hopeful that if I do my best work, give my best self, I can make a difference. That’s my bird – it’s never caught, but it sure is fun chasing it!

    • Mary Cravets says

      This might be my new favorite quote: “it’s never caught, but it sure is fun chasing!”

  2. Paige Speers says

    Discom-blog-ulation can happen to the best of us!
    Bird.: an opportunity I’ve applied for/forgotten about comes in with a “yes” response, or I see something that gives me an idea for a creative new post design/video/recipe.