Coloring with all the Crayons

Guest Post from Rachel Young Nielsen

There is a reason there are 8 colors in the beginner box of crayons.  When you are learning to color, 8 is enough of a variety to make pictures distinct without overwhelming the artist with choices.

And then all of a sudden we understand there are more colors out there. There are more options to paint the portrait bigger, bolder and more precisely than the limiting 8 colors allow. It is in the big-box of crayons that we begin to paint reality as we see it. Using all the colors is what contours the peaks and shadows of our perspective. And by understanding the tiniest of differences in each hue where we begin to comprehend beauty in complexity.

So, I graduated to the big kid box of crayons. 200 crayons is like an entire paint store. And I plan to run my business and live my life coloring with every one of these hues. 

I am not saying I see rainbows of colors in sunrises and sunsets every day. I am saying that in darkness there is equally as much glorious detail as there is in brilliant light. I am saying I want to lean in and feel the shades of painful purples as much as to celebrate the glorious yellows and golden tones. 

Because it’s in the multi-color shading and contouring that I see brilliance and opportunity. It’s in the dark imagery that I understand where the light needs to shine. It’s in feeling the emotion behind the colors, that I understand the power of choice.  And how a positive or negative perspective can shift an entire image from one scene to a completely different setting.

I choose to believe that perspective is equally under our control the same as selecting a “Sunset Orange” #FE4C40 or an “Orange-Red” #FF5349. Neither choice is WRONG, yet an artist that makes the slightest adjustment in the balance of colors completely changes the picture. 

Perspective, like color, is a malleable state. 

Perspective, like color, needs the darkness and the light to truly make one another work. 

2020 was the ultimate equalizer…the world shifted for everyone, no matter if you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a parent, a child, a retiree, a refugee or a tycoon.  There is comfort knowing every soul has been impacted, and we are each painting our own picture from our individual perspective. We are simply choosing different colors from the crayon box. 

I remember that it’s my choice to color with the dark shadows for the days and situations that overwhelm.

Some days I’ll choose to scribble and scratch in any color I want as if screaming into the wind. And then the very next day I may choose to see the light spaces that were left pure and untouched. 

And sitting there in the light is where my creative ideas and solutions sprout. It’s my perspective as an artist that guides the image I ultimately create, just as it is my perspective that shapes the leader, wife and mother I want to be. 

The reactions to my experiences shape who I am, and by living life using all the colors I believe I have a well-rounded, informed perspective. 

I have bad days, I own my fears and I am angry that I can’t control the environment, the economy, my own health or the actions of people who are just flat out mean. But I can control how I react to the darkness. I can control my perspective – just the same as if selecting an orange hue or a red-ish tinge. 

As a leader of a company in an industry that was decimated with the 2020 Pandemic, I have firsthand experience with the power of a perspective. For my own company, and for our clients, we maintained the perspective to be clear on the outcomes we wanted to create, and then used all the colors to paint exactly those pictures.  

Some images looked very different. Some of us scaled down or started using new colors all together.  The color choice wasn’t nearly as important as the final image we wanted to create. We went into each situation with a clarity on the perspective we wanted to hold and the image we wanted to create.  

Perspective is the single most influential factor that holds the power to influence our own life, our business and our community.  I don’t want to miss out, so I will continue living my life coloring with the big box of crayons.

Authors Credit

RACHEL YOUNG NIELSEN created a movement with her “results matter” mentality.  Fascinated by ideas, and  inspired by the future, Rachel turns anyone’s vision into a reality.  With beliefs deeply rooted in “proving anything is possible”  – she has been guiding people and organizations to amplified achievements as a mentor, speaker, author and founder of Advanced Events, Inc. and Result Drivers, Inc.  Rachel is an active member of Enterprising Women Advisory Board and recipient of the Enterprising Women of the Year Award, appears on podcasts and radio shows featuring her provocative thought process and infectious positive positioning. As an expert in experience marketing, change management, alignment advantage and organizational empowerment, she is versatile in her approach and her guidance. 

Rachel is inspired by people and experiences, which often sparks the creative solutions her clients seek. Reach out to connect directly at

Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.

Reader Interactions


  1. K. Blackmon says

    Thank you Rachel for this blog post. It is a reminder for me that I do have control over how I continue to pursue my dream of entrepreneurship.

  2. Dan DeBlasio says

    Needed this today as I have major neck surgery tomorrow. So unlocking the beauty in the world is an awesome focus today and everyday.