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Questions Coaches Should Ask for a Successful 2nd Half of 2024

You know me… I’m a total geek when it comes to planning, so let’s take a minute to evaluate your year so far and set you up for a strong finish in 2024! Ready to dive in? Here are four key questions to unlock your best year yet: 1. What do I WANT for the second half of 2024? Start...
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What has 2024 Taught You so Far?

We're 6 months into 2024, and so far I am LOVING what I'm learning. How about you?
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It’s the EXTREMES in Sales and Marketing that Keep You Stuck

I had two wonderfully eye-opening conversations recently, and they revealed a pattern that is SO common for coaches: being attracted to (or repelled by) extremes in sales and marketing.Take a minute to walk through this with me: the extremes, the ensuing drama, and then how to find your genuine path through it all so you’re attracting more clients without the...
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When You’re Freaked Out, What’s Your “Bird”?

I looked out my sliding door the other day and saw my cat slowly scuttling towards me. He was outside, something had clearly freaked him out and he was low to the ground, slinking towards me to dash inside as soon as I opened the door. As I started to get up to open the door, he caught sight of...
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Lessons from ICF’s International Coaching Week 2024

Enjoy the top three lessons I learned from ICF’s International Coaching Week, and then... please share your own! Fun Fact: this video is a great example of lesson #3, because I got it right in the first take! (coaches are SO easy to talk to!)
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Coaching with Metaphors – Lyssa deHart

To celebrate International Coaching Week, I’m delighted to announce that Lyssa deHart will be sharing “Coaching with Metaphors” at no cost to my community! We will delve into the role metaphors play in lighting up our clients. She'll share with you the role metaphors play in activating our clients' brains and a bit of the neuroscience that links metaphors to brain activity...
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Unfiltered Reflections: A Rollercoaster of Thoughts and Insights

Working through all the feelings, I recorded this to capture some of the lessons I'm learning. Please forgive the meandering (my state of mind is not as incisive as usual) and the less-than stellar quality of the video... but I promise there are some important nuggets in here.
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4 Keys to Survive the Messy Middle

Mini training time! If you're succeeding but overwhelmed and racing against the clock every day, you're going to love this video. Set aside 10 minutes and get ready to take some notes on the 4 keys that will get you through the "messy middle" phase of business!
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 Making Peace with Time (low-tech, no cost)

I’ll admit it: I have a troubled relationship with time. I’m always searching for the perfect way to schedule my calendar. The perfect scheduling tool. The perfect reminder system. This year I made three simple changes that cost me nothing and make a big difference in how I feel every single day. For as long as I can remember, I...
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How to Elevate ‘meh’ Opportunities

Close on the heels of compiling 46 Ways to Say No, another option occurred to me. One that actually lets you elevate mediocre opportunities instead of saying no. You’ll find this most helpful when wrestling with what I call “mixed blessing opportunities”. For example: let’s say someone offers you the opportunity to speak for a group of your ideal clients...
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Cure a Crowded Calendar: 46 Ways to Say NO 

At the end of each year, I look ahead and strategize ways to make sure I don’t overload my calendar and spread myself too thin. This year the answer came through loud and clear: say NO to substandard opportunities. ​​I ran this by a few of my peers and the response was a resounding, “Yesssssss… but how do I do...
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Creativity & Chaos: What I Learned this Year

Raise your hand if you have a creative streak. Or crave variety. Or love adventure and new experiences. Most business owners have their hand up right now, because we all know how creative you have to be to run a business. But at the same time, all that creativity can create chaos if isn't channeled and focused on doing the...
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