Contributed by Rock Star Sales Coach, Jane Garee
Have you ever wondered what exactly makes successful people successful? It’s always been a burning question for me, and I love to ask them what they think.
Specifically, whenever I’m given the opportunity to “pick the brain” of someone whose accomplishments I admire, I ask this question: “What are the three things you would suggest someone do to achieve success?
The answers are always fascinating and range from spiritual to practical.
Many times, people have the same answers but they are expressed in a way that they seem different. I love that because it reminds me in addition to there being different roads to success, there are also several different ways of making the journey.
Recently, I asked this question to my friend and colleague, Mary Cravets.
A little bit about Mary so you understand the context of her answer to my “Three Things” question…
Mary is a Business Coach who I think is just brilliant about creating systems so you don’t have to “babysit” your business all the time and can enjoy life more.
Her business model consists of online and offline activities and she works with people both one-on-one and in groups. This girl knows how to make money, and she also knows how to stop and smell the roses.
Her clients love her. I adore her.
Here are Mary’s “Three Things” answers if you want to thrive in your business, regardless of what you do.
- Send out between fifteen and thirty requests for speaking gigs every month. Speaking can be defined as either in person or on webinars and teleseminars. Speaking is one of the fastest ways to get business because people experience you in a personal and in depth way. You won’t necessarily get every gig you go after but you’ll get enough to keep you busy (and profitable).
- Stay engaged with your past clients on a regular basis. Past clients love you and are going to want to continue working with you so don’t forget about them! Mary prefers doing this mostly by email but also calls them directly. Since they already love you, they will most likely be the ones buying from you again. You don’t have to “convince” them.
- Send out an eZine on a regular basis. Your tribe is truly interested in what you are doing and the best eZine will combine both your work and personal life. No, you don’t have to get that personal but where you’ve been and what you’re up to is always interesting to your clients, especially when they truly care about you. An eZine will build your list, build your credibility and build your business.
So what do you think? See anything in there that could help catapult your business?
While knowledge is power, implementation of that knowledge is what will really get you cookin’ with gas.
What can you do this week to cause a shift in your business? Get more speaking gigs? Reconnect? Engage your tribe more regularly? Maybe it’s something else for you but whatever it is, don’t spend any more time thinking about, go and do it.