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Elevate 2023: Declutter Time!

While trying to focus on elevating my business, my attention keeps getting snagged by visual distractions. Stuff on my desk, on my computer desktop, on my ipad…so, I decided to do some decluttering. When thinking about decluttering, my first instinct is to do EVERYTHING. My closets, my jewelry making supplies, the garage, the closet under the stairs. Hello? Self-sabotage much?...
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Elevate Your Ideal Clients and Messaging

Elevating your ideal clients and messaging actually means elevating your clarity about both. This clarity sets the foundation needed to attract high-quality clients without a lot of wasted time and effort. In the video below, I walk you through EXACTLY the method I used in my own business to get clearer about my ideal client and messaging so I can...
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Elevate 2023: Let Go of the Baggage

I attended a phenomenal business retreat given by Lisa Crilley-Mallis, and I had a single, concrete objective: develop my proactive lead generation plan for 2023. But for a day and a half, I was completely frustrated. The numbers wouldn’t gel. And when I finally did figure them out, they didn’t really align with my goals, as I shared in the...
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Goal Setting Reduced Me To Tears

I set my 2023 goals, then excitedly started crunching numbers to figure out my action plan… … then promptly burst into tears. Because no matter how I massaged the numbers, there literally weren’t enough hours in the day to reach my goals. It’s hard to describe how helpless and hopeless I felt. The sheer panic in the pit of my...
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Speakers! Tips that will save you time when working with a VA

Imagine working with a Virtual Assistant who: Advocates for youSaves you valuable timeGets you the results you needHelps you book speaking gigs And that means getting you in front of potential clients without you having to do the heavy lifting of sending inquiries, filling out applications and following up. Wouldn’t that be amazing!? I often recommend to the business owners...
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Why people with a signature system make more money

Are you looking for a super fast way to get more clients overnight? Then you’ll likely come across easy-fix one-size-fits-all strategies that will leave you exhausted with results that don’t last overtime. Believe me, I’ve been there. And what I’ve discovered is that the best way to create a steady stream of great clients is having a system. A signature...
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Two Questions to Change Your Life and Business

I want to give you two questions I use to keep myself centered and stay organized. Ready to level-down your stress and get focused?? Here we go… 1. The Question that Leads to Better Bottom-Line Results There’s a tendency to always be looking for what’s NEXT to do or what ELSE you could add to your plate. The questions, “What should...
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How I almost messed up an in-person presentation

Back in May I did my first in-person speaking gig after 2 years of only doing webinars. As you can guess, it was not all smooth sailing. There were some setbacks with logistics, setting up the projector, minor stuff. But things could've really gone south for me when I was in the very middle of my presentation. As I looked...
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 [Guest blog] Use Your Peak Time!

When you own your own business, it’s discouraging to feel like you “aren’t doing it right.” A client recently told me: "Today I didn’t have client calls but I struggled so much the first few hours of the day that really it was just time wasted. If I don’t have calls in the morning, I may as well not go...
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5 Speaker Prep Tips for In-Person Events

After two years of virtual events, even very experienced speakers may have forgotten how to navigate speaking at a live event. Including this girl. Having knocked out my first 4 in-person gigs, here are my top 5 tips with details about how to get back in the saddle! Tip #1: Micro-manage in-person events. Tip #2: Deliver full presentation, no matter...
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100% Open Rate, Lesson 2 (an email program I love)

If you read Lesson 1, you know the lesson is to get started imperfectly. Lesson 2 is about getting started simply. And one of the biggest barriers to simplicity these days is technology. Let’s go back to my client who had just 1 person on her list. Once she made the decision to start sending emails, the next hurdle was:...
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100% Open Rate, Lesson 1

My client got a 100% open rate the very first time she sent an email to her list. WOW. How did she do that? Well… she only had 1 person on her list. So - surprise! The open rate isn’t the lesson. The lesson came in an earlier conversation after she said to me, “I’ll start keeping in touch with...
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