Business Owner Confessions: My Most Spine-Tingling Moments Part 1

I’ve put together a couple of videos showcasing some of the scariest moments I’ve experienced as a business owner. It’s a quick, fun watch, and I’d love for you to check it out.

Here is the first one:

Hold onto your seat as I recount these spine-tingling stories that have defined my journey in entrepreneurship. Enjoy the show!

Share your scary stories in the comments, I would love to read them!

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Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.

Reader Interactions


  1. Susan Hengel says

    Scariest moments as a business owner … we can learn so much from yours! You took what must have been a terrifying situation and turned it into a process that works for you and your clients!