Spaghetti and Waffles, Anyone?

Recently I spoke for the Silicon Valley NAWBO chapter in Palo Alto. As I was teaching sanity strategies (a.k.a. time and priority management) to the group, the “waffles vs. spaghetti” discussion came up. It was eye-opening for the audience, so I thought you’d enjoy it too!
Bill and Pam Farrel coined the waffle and spaghetti concept, but the guy on the video I included uses the terms “boxes and wires” for his presentation. Take the time to watch it – it’s hilarious and educational all at once!

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Mary Cravets

Founder Mary Cravets started Simply Get Clients because she saw small business owners complicating growing their businesses. Or falling victim to the "build it and they will come" myth. So she developed the simple structure to cut through all the noise of social media, "experts", online funnels, advertising and more to focus on the central problem of business owners: getting more clients. And you know what? There is NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.

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