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Don’t Miss the Easy Close

Recently I attended a presentation and decided I’d like to speak with the presenter about possibly hiring her. I said, “I’ve been thinking about hiring someone like you, can I get your information?” She said, “Why don’t we just get together to brainstorm over coffee?” I accepted her offer, but it’s important to note that if she had told me...
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How She Wrote 5 Books

Several years ago, I had the pleasure of consulting with a wonderful woman named Lakota.  When we began our consultation, she had three primary activities that occupied her time. She wanted to determine how she could best utilize her time to make these successful and meaningful. As we worked together, it became clear that one of her activities was not in alignment with her goals, and was...
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Ever Hesitate to Promote Yourself?

Do you ever hesitate to promote yourself to your email list? If you’re concerned that you’re being too salesy by promoting yourself, don’t panic! I learned something very interesting lately that might help you step up and make offers with less fear. For some quick insight on striking a balance between promoting yourself and offering valuable content, enjoy this video!...
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A Lesson From a Rock Wall

You probably don’t know this, but my sister loves rock climbing and I’ve gone to her climbing gym several times. I always enjoyed the experience, but didn’t actively look for more rocks to climb. Then, I was invited to go rock climbing in Alaska. I was tired. I didn’t want to hurt myself. And I could have very easily just...
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Why Your Work-Life Balance Isn’t Working

Welcome to the half-way point of your year! This is a great moment to step back and evaluate how things are going. One of the most common complaints I hear is, “I feel totally out of balance!” In this short, funny and insightful video, the speaker gives one of the best perspectives on why your work-life balance isn’t working. Take...
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A Little Alaskan Fun

I am currently taking some well-deserved time off and thought I’d share a few photos of the experience. I hope this inspires you to remember to take time off for yourselves!  Me in front of Mendenhall Glacier! A water view from Juneau.  Rock climbing in Skagway.
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“When Should I Raise My Prices?”

This is a question I get asked a lot, and the simple answer is to raise them whenever you want (it’s your business, after all!). You don’t need a new certification. You don’t need 2 more years of experience. You don’t need to build a new website. And you certainly don’t need approval from anyone. As Nike says, “Just do...
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#1 Way to Get Clients (HINT: it’s low-tech and cheap)

The #1 way that coaches and most other service professionals get client is… drum roll please… referrals!!! Admittedly, referrals have an image problem. Referral generation sounds downright dull compared to “ultimate digital content planner” and “master Facebook ads in 5 days” or “the underground playbook for building your company online”. It’s easy to get distracted by shiny new promises, but...
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Feeling Motivated is Overrated

Written by guest contributor Heather Moreno More than 20 years ago I heard what is still my favorite definition of commitment: the ability to carry through with a worthy decision once the emotion of making the decision has passed. Emotion is what we tend to think of as motivation. We think we should “feel” like doing something in order to...
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I Hope You Get a Text Like This…

Happy Thursday! ​​​​​​​Let me share a story with you... A client of mine recently received this text: “Hi Sara! I wanted to call and give you my credit card information today so we can start working together. Will you be around?” The punch line? Sara had no idea who the text was from. I hope you get a text like...
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“Toothpaste on my contact lenses.”

Happy Holidays, my friend!   I’m still chuckling after telling a client I was being pulled in a million different directions, to which she replied...   “I know the feeling. This morning I almost put toothpaste on my contact lenses.”   I just cracked up.   This is a busy time of year for everyone, and for entrepreneurs it's even more...
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Smile When They Call You Sleazy

Here’s one thing they don’t tell you when you start a business: you will be criticized. You’ll be criticized by well-meaning friends and family who don’t want to see you hurt or disappointed. You’ll be criticized by competitors who want you to stay out of the game so they don’t feel threatened. Worst of all, you’ll be criticized by random...
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