Two years ago when I got this diagnosis, my first thought was:
Finally I can take some time off, guilt-free.\"
(TIP: if you get sick, and you find yourself happy about it, something is seriously wrong.)
I\'d spent a more than a decade working for myself, worrying about work, and feeling guilty when I wasn\'t working.
I was really consistent about it, too. Didn\'t matter the industry - real estate, direct sales, consulting, even in my corporate career - I stayed true to my workaholic tendencies. And I was successful - to a point.
The truth is, I NEVER ran my businesses. My businesses always ran me.
I couldn\'t avoid it any longer. I wanted to truly enjoy the freedom of entrepreneurship… So it was time for serious change.
So for two months, I made my health my priority. I worked just a few hours a week, battling feelings of guilt and self-judgment the entire time.
During that time period, my business grew. (Say what?!)
As I grew stronger, I continued to be ruthless about how I chose to spend my limited energy. I only did work that directly led to the results I wanted. I created systems. I took naps, exercised and ate good food.
The following year, my income tripled.
Since that time I\'ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs discover there is a better way to build a business.
Now I work with entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level. I show them exactly how to build their business on their terms to give them the income and lifestyle they crave, AND have the energy to enjoy it.
A business and life that coexist. A to-do list that gets done.
More money with less struggle. Having more fun.
Impossible? Nope.
Check out how we can work together to get you there.